The Malaria Solution™ Foundation
  Website Address: http://www.MalariaSolution.Org

Main Contact Email: - Contact Us


The Malaria Solution Foundation

1135 Terminal Way, Suite 106

Reno, Nevada 89502


Phone: (775) 324-5105

Fax: (775) 786-7551




Malawi, Africa


"To treat the malaria condition around the world with the gift of the Malaria Solution™ from the Malaria Solution™ Foundation"

Over the past decade, the challenge and mission to remove malaria from developing countries has been a challenge and positive movements towards success have been forthcoming in the past few years through continued efforts and assistance from international organizations and support of worldwide corporations.

While the delivery of a solution is ongoing, significant progress has been made recently in the delivery of nutritional products that help to reduce, remove, and stave off malaria.

What is Malaria?

"Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases and an enormous public-health problem. The disease is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium.."  read more >>


Foundation Goals

  1. Disburse the Malaria Solution™
  2. Train medical personnel on how to dispense The Malaria Solution™
  3. Make the Malaria Solution™ affordable by gifting it to people living in malaria regions
  4. Return former malaria patients to productivity
  5. Educate the public that malaria afflicts over 3 billion people, but can be successfully treated and elminiated with The Malaria Solution™
  6. Administer and oversee grants and funds to make the Malaria Solution™ available to the world's malaria regions.

Mission Photos and Gallery

Efforts have been successful and we need your continued support. You can review our mission photos and gallery.

=> Malawi Africa, Winter 2006

=> Malawi Africa, Summer 2006

=> Kenya and Uganda 2004



(c) 2006 Malaria Solution Foundation All rights reserved.