Tel. 775-379-2900 - Office Contact @ Malaria Solution Foundation

Tel. 775-379-2900 - Office Contact @ Malaria Solution Foundation
In 2011 working with synergistic NGOs is a priority for the Malaria Solution Foundation.
The following active groups provide synergistic support for the needs of the people of Africa by breaking the cycle of disease at many points. Malnutrition is a factor and Outreach Africa is providing for meals to communities. Both education and bednets stop malaria from spreading and Malaria No More is getting the word out through social networking and providing bednets for children and families. Muvesi Health Projects Society delivers medicines to people infected with malaria and supplies needed aid.
Outreach Africa - From a trip to Tanzania to help rebuild a leprosy hospital into an HIV/AIDS clinic, Floyd and Kathy Hammer found that people, and especially children were in desperate need of help in the areas of water, food, medical services and education. To help these people, they founded Outreach Africa... Here is the story. View Stills
Outreach Africa - This video documents the 500,000 meal packaging event at the Kemper Catholic School, in Carrol, Iowa on March 19, 2008. 1,200 youths and 600 adults made voluntary donations for the food ingredients and packaged these meals in 12 hours. Outreach helped to organize and run the event, and has since shipped the meals for distribution to Haiti and Africa where it is feeding Orphans and other Vulnerable Children. This is a very inspirational story of volunteering and giving to others. View Stills
MUVESI Health Projects Society - 30 year old woman successfully heals from malaria with the help of Muvezi's aid. View Stills
Malaria No More - "Comedy Fights Malaria" with Elizabeth Banks, John Mayer, BJ Novak and more. Most celebrity PSAs are a joke -- but not this one. View Stills
Malaria No More - "The Gift of Growing Up" is an educational video by Malaria No More that chronicles the tragedy of malaria and the hope we hold for the future. View Stills
Updated February 10, 2011