NGOs have been given authorization and responsibility to continue their work and efforts. MSF has been involved with support and ongoing communications, strategies and activities while the Malaria Solution has been progressing positively.
Sierra Leone, Africa
Gifted funds to Daniel Coney, of Foothill Bible Church for Mission Trip to Freetown, Sierra Leone. June 3 - June 15, 2010. - Receipt of Gift 12
Tanzania, East Africa - January 21, 2010
Gifted funds to Outreach Africa for shipping to the Singida Region of Tanzania - Receipt of Gift
Equador, Central America -
Gifted Malaria Solution for treatments to Tenzen Chuden Smith, Tibetan nun, for distribution in the cities of Salinas, Guiaquile, Quito, and Montanita, Equador
Gifted funds to Outreach Africa for shipping food Haiti - images
Gifted funds to Outreach Africa for shipping food Haiti
Malawi, Africa
Assisted NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in Malawi, Africa.
Paid for transportation costs to ship 2,250,000 meals to Feed the Children®
OutReach Africa reported an update on gift of over 20,000 Malaria Solution treatments through the use of the "Porta Doc", mobile medical unit to 5 bush villages of tens of thousands of individuals – over 3 years use.